A Perfect Day

By Belinda

It felt strange and sad, coming to England and knowing that Uncle John is not here any more. I saw him last year in October on the last day of my visit then. He went to Africa on a missions trip after that, knowing that he was seriously ill, and he died on April 13. I haven't yet erased his phone number from the phone at home. Somehow leaving it there I can pretend he hasn't really gone.

Stephen, Paul's cousin, and Uncle John's son, is here though, and today we spent a wonderful day together.

He picked me up at 11.00 and after first coming in and chatting with Mum and Rob, we set off for Alcester, where he lives. He took me on a tour of his wild, rambling garden. It is a haven for all kinds of butterflies and other insects; birds and frogs. I came home with a cucumber from the greenhouse, a bag of apples, and a small geranium for Mum's flat.
The garden being duly inspected, it was time for lunch. We walked to The Lord Nelson pub, a couple of streets away, but it was not open yet. So we walked back to Stephen's house, got in the car, and drove to The Moat House Inn. It was open and welcoming. Stephen ordered lasagne, and I had chicken tikka masala with a poppadom and mango chutney. Mine was delicious and Stephen enjoyed his. We both had rhubarb crumble for dessert; he with custard--and I with cream. Oh, it was heavenly! Yum.

The Moat House Inn is an old Tudor building with half timbered walls.

After our very filling lunch we drove back to Stephen's house and got ready for a walk in Oversley Wood.

We set out with our cameras and little else except for water! The temperature in Warwickshire today was in the mid twenties. We were glad to leave the picturesque but hot town of Alcester for the cooler, shady, woods, passing on the way, some beautifully thatched cottages.

Inside the woods, part of the ancient Forest of Arden, the wind whispered, "Shhhhhhh," high above us, as though trying to lull all passers by to sleep. A variety of wild flowers and butterflies kept our cameras busy.

This horse was so beautiful!

At the top of a hill we looked down over the town of Alcester. You can see the spires of the church in the centre.

Stephen checked out the distance we walked, later: 3.75 miles!

The day was just about perfect!


Ron. said…
You should have had a mountain bike on those trails. You would have done more than 3.75 miles!
Marilyn said…
Wonderful pictures, all of them, inside and out. The thatched roof looks like it stepped out of a storybook!
Belinda said…
Ron, when we were sitting on the top of the hill, drinking our bottles of water, me being grateful for some recovery time and looking down over the panorama of beautiful English countryside; to our right I heard a sound--a cyclist! I could not believe it. It was a fine walk, but a hot, hot day. Kudos to the rider!
Belinda said…
Marilyn, I felt like putting up a sign by one of the little houses, "Hobbits Live Here." :)
I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying being on this trip with you ... oh, I guess I just did.
Belinda said…
Ah, Dave, I love having you along with me. When I'm snapping shots I have this invisible family following in my mind! :)

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