By Belinda
I wish I could add fragrance to a blog post but you will just have to imagine the most delectable smell of fresh strawberry! They were so far removed from the hard, flavourless, force grown variety so often on sale in the grocery stores.
Rob and I went to Sainsbury's for a few groceries and after carefully checking the freezer shelves, I bought a tub of Mackies of Scotland Traditional Luxury Dairy Icecream to accompany the strawberries waiting at home. The tub said that the icecream was made on the family farm with fresh, whole milk from "our own herd" in Aberdeenshire. It turned out to be a great choice as it tasted like old fashioned icecream from childhood, with no artificial taste, just delicious vanilla.

Later in the day, Rob's younger son, Tim, joined us for supper. He has grown so tall all of a sudden that I am beginning to feel quite short! We had a conversation about the book I was reading and he said, with interest, "I should start reading books. I don't read at all." Well, if I have inspired a young man to read that would be a good thing and I would love it!

Mum had not felt well yesterday when we were away on our day trip to Wales. We felt so badly about that. And then last night she had such a bad chesty cough, that we worried that it was the start of pneumonia. Even though she pointed a finger at us and said emphatically, "No! I don't want to go to the hospital," we seriously thought we might have to go. But we prayed and dosed with cough medicine (even though I read that it isn't supposed to help, I find that it does) and today the cough is much less worrying and sound just like a chest cold.

I was counting blessings today; there are so many. This time is so precious and I am so grateful.


Belinda, that sound like the most wonderful dessert. I can just picture the aisles of Sainsbury. I checked the web page to find they also make potato crisps - in the flavour of haggis and black pepper. Um, all I can say is there are times I am so grateful to be vegetarian!
Susan said…
I would give all the "stuff" I own and mortgage my entire future to share one more bowl of strawberries and icecream with my mom. These days are so precious. You can never get them back... Not in this life, anyway.

And Dave, when we were in Scotland last October, Ron and I had vegetarian haggis in a small hotel in Glasgow, with our "Full Scottish Breakfast". It was absolutely delicious - like a savoury porridge. You would love it! I was really afraid to try it but I was so glad I did.

I'm with you though, concerning anything that is cooked in a sheep's stomach! No thanks!
Belinda said…
Ha ha, Dave, yes, I too, investigated the flavours of the crisps! I would love to try them just to say I had! :)
Belinda said…
Susan, I pray that they have English strawberries from Wales, and Scottish ice cream, in heaven, and that you enjoy many bowls with your mom one day. :)
Yo Susan! We have tried 'vegetarian haggis' and, like you, enjoyed it. I just thought that haggis really, honestly, couldn't have a vegetarian version. Like I don't know that there will ever be a vegetarian version of liver and onions! By the way, liver is one of the very few things that I miss as a vegetarian. I loved liver an onions as a boy and still, occaionally, have cravings for it. Even after almost 20 years as a vegetarian.

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