Belinda Burston: A victory of faith over evil

I wrote a reflection posted on, for the upcoming anniversary of 9-11. Here is the link.

Belinda Burston: A victory of faith over evil


Congratulations. Don't you love how it's cited: Belinda Burston, Postmedia News ... Gotta love that! Terrific piece. Proud to know you!
Belinda said…
Thank you for being such a good friend and celebrator! :)
Violet N. said…
Well said, Belinda!
Belinda said…
Thank you Violet. I loved Saturday's post on Other Food! Daily Devos. It's a keeper.
Janet Sketchley said…
Glad you had the chance to share your thoughts, Belinda. Well said!
Belinda said…
Thank you Janet. I hope you didn't experience too much unsettled weather out there on the east coast with hurricane Irene. You and Susan(in Newfoundland) were in my thoughts!
Janet Sketchley said…
Belinda, I think Newfoundland's going to escape this one. Anyone in New Brunswick will get rained on. The winds are supposed to pick up here overnight. We'll see what happens!
Belinda said…
Hang tight Janet, and batten down the hatches.:) My daughter-in-law Sue says that people out there love a storm (she is of maritime blood!)
Susan said…
We got the tail end of Irene last night, and you're right, people out here love a good storm... But you don't have to be a Maritimer for that! There was a Scottish guy that explored the Holland Marsh (discovering and identifying countless new varieties of naturally growing orchids there). He also explored much of the Bruce Peninsula. One day there was a terrible storm coming in. He climbed a Douglas fir tree as high as he could and then lashed himself to the tree for the duration of the storm. He wanted to experience the storm the way a tree would - whipping about in the wind, pelted by rain and hail, lighting flashing all around him. I've always loved that story and admired that guy... if I didn't have people that love me, think of the dangerous things I could do! (Like lashing myself to a treetop during a storm! :) )
Susan said…
We got the tail end of Irene last night, and you're right, people out here love a good storm... But you don't have to be a Maritimer for that! There was a Scottish guy that explored the Holland Marsh (discovering and identifying countless new varieties of naturally growing orchids there). He also explored much of the Bruce Peninsula. One day there was a terrible storm coming in. He climbed a Douglas fir tree as high as he could and then lashed himself to the tree for the duration of the storm. He wanted to experience the storm the way a tree would - whipping about in the wind, pelted by rain and hail, lighting flashing all around him. I've always loved that story and admired that guy... if I didn't have people that love me, think of the dangerous things I could do! (Like lashing myself to a treetop during a storm! :) )
Janet Sketchley said…
Susan, I love this story of the guy and the tree!

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