Ere Zij God--Glory to God in the Highest! A Dutch Carol

By Belinda

This beautiful Dutch carol was shared today by a friend of Dutch ancestry, on Facebook. I had never heard it before but absolutely loved it. It moved me deeply, especially at the end after the crowd leaves the church and then breaks into spontaneous singing again around a brazier, with the sound of chiming church bells in the background. Listen to it with headphones or a good speaker to get the full effect of the harmonies. And happy first Sunday in Advent!


swissdebbie said…

I m surprised you did not know! but here some additional explanation and text
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing. It was indeed beautiful. I love the idea of the choir singing counterpoint to the audience. Made a lovely and melodious balance. The bells at the end were "perfect". Singing is such a unifying action - all over the world.
Belinda said…
Deb thank you so much for the additional information. You are now my official research assistant! :)
Belinda said…
Dear Anon, Thank you for fully enjoying this with me! :) A joy shared, is a joy doubled!
swissdebbie said…
haha, at your service, glad to do so....
Congratulations on your win ... First Place in the Religion and Philosophy category at the Canadian Blog Awards.
Belinda said…
What exciting news you bring Dave!!! Yahoo!
Susan said…
You can say that again! Yahoo! :)

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