An Exchanged Life

By Belinda

2 Peter 1:3-4
New International Version (NIV)
Confirming One’s Calling and Election
 3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
What I have finally understood--fully, completely and clearly; as never before; is that at the moment of our receiving Christ's sacrifice for our lives--with our messed up attempts at goodness; selfish motivations, greed and potential for the basest of sin--at that moment, an exchange takes place. His life for ours.

All along, this was the answer to Patricia's question: "How could God ask us to be perfect?"
We will be perfect because he is--he in us, living his life through us. 
I have been getting the picture clearer and clearer over the past year, until now, it is so obvious I can't miss it as I read the Bible it seems to be there on every page in the New Testament (the books from Matthew to Revelation.)

A thing can be true and real, but unless we know it, understand it and grasp onto the truth of it, it may as well not be, for we won't live it out.

My insufficiency doesn't matter, because he is all sufficient--not just for my past sin, but for my present helplessness.

I always thought that he was leaving the work of the Kingdom in the hands of very shaky men and women--but I was wrong.

His plan was to be in us, loving the world through us;  illuminating us with the beauty of his character.

The full gospel--the full good news--is of freedom as well as forgiveness; redemption and regeneration. It's the message of the Christmas angels, "Peace on earth, goodwill to all men."

Peace comes to our lives only as he lives in us and when he does, we can bear no ill will to anyone.

The light that we are told not to hide under a bushel basket, is his light, in us.

There is so much more and I will continue over the next few days as I am able. This is just a start and I hope it makes sense.


Janet Sketchley said…
I'm looking forward to this series of posts, Belinda. The concept of an exchanged life is one I'm still trying to "get" completely.

It's funny how for so long we'll struggle and then finally the truth in question will come clear and we can't believe we had trouble seeing it.
Belinda said…
Amen, Janet. Our pastor has also been preaching a series of sermons on "Incarnational Living," inspried by a book he's been reading by Glenn Wagner. It all connected.

Thank you for the encouragement to write more. I Googled the phrase "exchanged life" last night because I thought it must be out there, and found that Hudson Taylor also had written on this very thing. That encouraged me so much as I thought that perhaps I was so blind not to have seen this sooner. No, we can miss it. And I have, but now that I see it I will never let go of this precious truth.
Belinda said…
That "inspried" should have been "inspired" :)

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