An Evening of Celebration
By Belinda
Tonight was our writers group meeting, and although we had a small number in attendance for various reasons, it was a night to celebrate! One of our group, Carolyn j. Morris, a teacher and speaker, is now a published author.
Carolyn's summer has been a whirlwind of book signings and marketing meetings and she is loving every minute.
Each step of the journey of publication has been God led, with connections unfolding in a way that only he could orchestrate.
I will write more about the book itself in the near future, but tonight we shared Carolyn's joy by sipping our tea and coffee from the fine china and eating ice cream cake!
Tonight was our writers group meeting, and although we had a small number in attendance for various reasons, it was a night to celebrate! One of our group, Carolyn j. Morris, a teacher and speaker, is now a published author.
Carolyn's summer has been a whirlwind of book signings and marketing meetings and she is loving every minute.
Each step of the journey of publication has been God led, with connections unfolding in a way that only he could orchestrate.
I am sure that Carolyn will be thrilled with your encouragements!