The Whole Enchilada

By Belinda

Monday dawned a chilly 4 degrees Celsius in Ontario. Brrrr. I popped downstairs before leaving for work to hug Tippy and Tori and tell them to wrap up warm for school. Brenda had left for work much earlier and they are very responsible at getting ready independently, but once an Omie always an Omie.

Tippy said, "But we don't have our winter coats yet."

"What about last year's?" I asked.

Tippy held out her arms in front of her and said, "When I do this the sleeves are half way up my arm."

Both girls, 11 and 12, are growing so fast. I left them with a final admonition to dress for the cold, knowing that they would survive, even if their sleeves were a little on the short side.

Later that day on the way down the highway from work, I stopped at Costco and saw a winter coat I thought the girls might like, so I called Brenda to see if I should buy them. She didn't get my message in time to catch me before I left the store, but we decided that after supper we would go  back with the girls.

Before getting home though, I stopped at the Cookstown Outlet Mall to buy a blouse. In one of my favourite stores I saw the perfect coats for Tippy and Tori. I had a feeling they would love them.

As we left home after supper though, Brenda wasn't so sure. "Mom, they are so rough on their clothes still," she said.

I looked back at Tippy and Tori. "Would you prefer a coat you can play rough in, or a coat that looks stylish?"

"One I can play rough in," said Tippy.

"One that looks stylish," said her younger sister with a shy smile.

Brenda sighed.

We went to the store with the stylish coats and both of the girls chose the style I had seen and loved; three quarter length, down filled and quilted, with warm and snug hoods. Tippy chose black, her favourite colour. Tori chose white. They looked like princesses and I couldn't believe how happy that made me. A girl needs to feel beautiful and I could tell that they did.

Next we went boot shopping and found perfect boots for both, and the pair of running shoes Tori needed, which were free because the store had a Buy Two get One Free sale.

Both girls carried their carrier bags and boxes to the car with shining eyes and a certain glow. They didn't stop saying thank you all the way home.

Trouble is, the weather has warmed up since Monday. This morning Tori came upstairs before school. "Omie, Tippy asked me to ask you if it's cold enough to wear her coat."

I said that I'd go outside and see. I came back in. "I'm sorry Sweetie, it's quite mild."

"Okay, I'll tell her," said Tori.

I smiled as I remembered the umbrella that caused an immediate dearth of rain when I was a little girl. Oh, how I longed to put that thing up and hear the rain beating down on it while I remained dry as could be!

And I thanked God for the joy of blessing as he does, with the whole enchilada.


The opportunity to do something to make kids happy is one of the best things about being an adult. I can't express how much I enjoy having the most powerful ability one can have - the ability to make a kid giggle.
Belinda said…
Dear Dave, Oh, I agree! Having the opportunity to build into children's lives through laughter, affirmation, and imparting a sense of value, are some of the best things in this life. It's kind of like "showing God's love" rather than just telling it, which is another blessing and privilege.

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