Nothing is Impossible

By Belinda (shared with Lesley-Ann's permission)
Tonight I opened my Daily Light on the Daily Path for October 6th to write the name of a new baby on the top of the page. I gasped as I read the scripture verses written there. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you the whole story, from beginning to--well, hardly the end, but rather another new beginning.

Lesley-Ann is one of the managers on my team, and dear to my heart as they all are. We are much more than working colleagues. She came to the cell group at our house for a while and our relationship deepened with the months and years of working together.  We were at her wedding when she got married to Jason, a man with the smilingest eyes you ever saw, and a heart to match. They both have big hearts in fact, and as well as a house full of dogs, they have freely shared their home with others from the start. They were naturals as potential parents and they looked forward to welcoming babies into their household.

The months turned into years though, and that didn't happen. Lesley-Ann has a vibrant faith, and while she often asked for prayer, it was always in submission to God's plan, open to the fact that God can give children in many ways and birth is just one of them. Whenever I would pray for her, I would always find myself praying that their arms would be "full" of children. That was the image that would come.

Sometimes we talked about favourite movies and I knew that one of Lesley-Ann's favourites was Facing the Giants . We had the movie on our shelf in the den. I'd bought it at a church yard sale, but we never got around to watching it. It was apparently about football, and we aren't major sports fans, so it wasn't until one evening after last Christmas, when we had nothing else to watch, that I said to Paul, "Let's watch Facing the Giants." We did, and loved it! It was low budget, but deeply moving, and it wasn't just about football, but about trusting God with the seeming defeats in your life, committing everything to him and yielding it all. The husband in the story was the coach of an underdog team and he and his wife were struggling with infertility. They dared to believe that with God, nothing is impossible. Suddenly I knew why it was Lesley-Ann's favourite movie.

Last year, Lesley-Ann went through fertility treatments but she didn't concieve. She decided to stop the treatments and leave it all in God's hands.

In February this year we were at the end of our monthly1.1 support meeting at work and about to go home for the weekend. I asked if I could pray before she left. God always guides in prayer and I know that the words come from him. At the end of the prayer what came out was, "Nothing is impossible with God." We hugged goodbye and went home.

The following week, Lesley-Ann called to say that she had felt nauseous that weekend and thought that she had the flu, but then she said, "Belinda, I think I may be pregnant." Within days she was at the doctors and it was confirmed. Lesley-Ann was indeed pregnant. What overwhelming joy!

But March brought a hospital stay with some scary spotting. The pregnancy seemed to be at risk. But I had a deep assurance that all would be well, and it was. Lesley-Ann was soon home and back at work.

The months flew by and Lesley-Ann's due date of early October came and went. On October 5th, the baby was induced and after 14 and a half hours of labour, he was delivered by C section, weighing in at a very healthy 9 pounds 11 ounces. Lesley-Ann said that she felt as though she had known him forever.

The doctor who did Lesley-Ann's stress test on Sunday, October 4th, was the same one who told Lesley-Ann two years ago that they might never have a child. Lesley-Ann told him that miracles do happen and anything is possible. The doctor smiled and said, "And now we can expect more children from you." At the moment, at least, Lesley-Ann is planning a return trip to the hospital next year.

His name? Gabriel. He was conceived at Christmas, made his presence known at Valentine's, and was born at Thanksgiving. His full name is Gabriel Frederick Donald, but he will go by "Gabe."

And here are the verses from the Daily Light on the Daily Path, for October 6th, Gabe's birthday!
Rev. 19:6; Job 42:2; Luke 18:27; Dan. 4:35; Isa. 43:13; Mark 14:36; Matt. 9:28, 29; Matt. 8:2, 3; Isa. 9:6; Matt. 28:18; Ps. 20:7; 2 Chron. 32:7 (Read full verses...)
“The Lord our God the Almighty reigns.”
“I know that you can do all things.”—“What is impossible with men is possible with God.”—He does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?”—“There is none who can deliver from my hand; I work, and who can turn it back?”—“Abba, Father, all things are possible for you.”
“Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.”—“Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.”—Mighty God.—“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.—“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or dismayed, . . . for there are more with us than with him.”


Janet Sketchley said…
Wow! God continue to bless little Gabe and his parents, and to encourage many through them.
Marilyn said…
Gabe's coming, perfect timing.
The verses on that page, perfect timing.
This post, perfect timing.
Susan said…
Wow! What a great story to start the day! :)

I'm dying to see this little person. If you happen to get any pictures, please post them right away!!!
Theresa said…
That little boy is going to be very popular with some ladies I know!! :) Beautiful story of God's faithfulness.
A lovely story, well told. I hope one day you post pictures here so we can all 'ooo' and 'ah'.
Belinda said…
Photos will follow for sure. It was a joy to tell the story. God blows me away with how he weaves so many details together in perfection.

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