Bedded Bliss--A Progress Report

By Belinda

Friends, I just have to give you an update on my progress with SLEEP; glorious, restorative; sleep!

(see Out of the Twilight Zone and To Sleep...Yawn and Out of the Twilight Zone Part 2 )

I think some people out there might care to know how it's going. And I I admit that I am filled with the zeal of the Newly Converted (to anything :)) and want to encourage anyone out there who might be teetering on the edge of dealing with this issue in their life and putting it off--run; don't walk, to your doctor; and get ready to start living as you did not imagine you could!

When I made the decision to deal with the issue Paul nagged me about--stopping breathing at night and then gasping for air--it was because I knew it was the wise thing to do for health reasons. I was unaware of the issue myself and I hoped that maybe having a better night's sleep would cure my daytime drowsiness and that just maybe (oh what bliss this would be) I'd be able to read without falling asleep. But hoping for it and experiencing it are two different things. I really wondered if it was possible.

I am always in the front row at any speaking event or course because I am a keener. I want to absorb knowledge and information. I have often been told by speakers that my smiling face and shining eyes have encouraged them. Trouble is that after the first ten to twenty minutes, no matter how I fought it, I would be struggling to stay with it. I don't know how many people took my glazed or closed eyes in the pew or front row personally, because they were kind enough not to mention that. I have been chagrined though, knowing that I was missing so much.

In my job, which is a senior management role, I attend a lot of meetings; some of them lengthy. I have to do it but disliked them. I often lacked the confidence to participate fully at some higher level meetings and would leave disappointed in myself for not contributing when I knew I had things to say. I didn't realize that there was a connection between this and my lack of ability stay focused.

I also need to read a lot at work and found it a challenge. It would take too long to get through documents with the complexity or wordiness typical of government documents.

This week I have been overjoyed with the difference. My mind is sharp and clear. Yesterday I had an all day meeting and I was wide awake and participating throughout. My confidence has soared.

I read a document Paul gave me to read through for my perspective. Pen in hand I read quickly, underlining and commenting and handed it back, not keeping it for sometime when I'd have time to get to it.

I felt physically and mentally energized all week. My quality of life has increased. Who knew that this would make such a difference?

Last Sunday at church I discovered three other people who use CPAP (compressed positive air pressure) machines. They all echoed my emphatic gratitude for the difference it made.

Mind you, I hear that Velma, Derrick's wife, said that if ever she wants to finish him off, all she has to do is pinch his hose! :)

I am still adjusting to the machine. "We" are still adjusting! You would laugh at our "boudoir" right now. Paul spent a couple of nights on the couch to give me space to get used to my machine. He tried a night with me but I kept him awake and felt inhibited at adjusting it during the night in case I disturbed him. He went back to the couch, but then we had a brainwave! He is now on the floor beside our bed on an inflatable mattress. We may look like a dysfunctional couple, but we are "together" in the same room, and we will soon be back to better than normal. Last night the machine felt perfect all night long.

That's it. I am happy and so grateful.

Stay tuned for a sequel to Susan's "Ready or Not" post on Monday. I just experienced my very first weiner roast at her place. Wow; fun!


Marilyn said…
Couldn't pass up THIS title when I went to my Google Reader for the first time today! Hahahaha. So glad to hear the positive outcome! Looking forward to more from Susan as well.
Belinda said…
Ha ha, Marilyn. I'm glad it caught your eye. I hope that no one out there is disappointed that it's only me and my CPAP machine! :)

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