Saturday's Post

By Belinda

Belindaland is busy today with so much to do before I catch a plane to England at 8.55 on Tuesday evening. In my reading of other blogs this week, I read a piece of writing that was so profoundly moving that I knew immediately I would want to share it here, and so today I am sharing a link to Shannon Buck's blog, Half Soled Boots , and a blog post she wrote on September 24th, entitled, The Ending, The Beginning . Please have tissues close by when reading, and be prepared to step on holy ground.

P.S. I have Gabe baby pictures. They will be up on Monday. And I have SO much more to write about. It will all be coming as soon as possible.


Marilyn said…
Thanks for bringing Shannon's post to my attention. it was good for me to read it.
Belinda said…
I'm glad it was good to read it Marilyn. She is such a good writer.

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