Found Treasure by Susan

Friends, Susan was treasure hunting yesterday and this is one of the golden nuggets she found!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Susan said…
Ethel Waters is a big part of what drew me to Jesus as a young messed up teenager on a one-way road to self destruction. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her and I used to tune into those televised Billy Graham crusades just to get a glimpse of her. When I read her autobiography a few years later (which is sitting on your bookshelf, B'a), that cemented our relationship forever. She'll be one of the dear faces I'll be looking for in heaven. I can't wait to say, "Thank you". She'll be lookin' for me!
Belinda said…
I'm pulling that book off my bookshelf and reading it! Thank you for reminding me! :)So many good books, and now I can stay awake to read them. :)
Brenda said…
Wow....Haven't heard her in years!...but love her to bits because she just radiates the love of Jesus. You know this is my all time favourite song, don't you? B' posted it one night in July of 2008....sung by Lauren Hill. It struck a chord in me then and lifted me out of deep waters. A few months later I found a painting of six sparrows perched on the branches of a tree with the words of the title of this song written on it.....a gift from God. It hangs in our spare room. I cherish it and think of you and that day in July...that black day in July....when the Spirit of God prompted you to post this song on your blog.

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