
A year ago today, Emily Claire, our youngest grandchild was born. I had a meeting that morning and was up early, making pots of coffee to take to work when, at 7 o'clock, the phone rang . It was our son Peter, telling us that our daughter-in-law Susan, had just given birth to their fourth child.

I quickly got ready, leaving a message at work to say I'd be late, and set out for the hospital in nearby Alliston.

I stepped out of my warm car into the intense cold and brilliant sunshine of that morning, and my breath trailed behind me, and hung in the air as I hurried to the hospital doors.

Soon I was holding our petite, dark haired, fine featured beauty--Emily--and breathing a prayer over her.

Stepping back out into the morning, bound for work, the air danced with ice crystal confetti that caught the sunlight and flashed with diamond fire. It felt as if heaven was throwing a birthday party.

Today I held another little one in my arms and breathed a prayer for God's blessing on the life of Ava Claire Jasmine. I gazed at her dear china doll face with the perfect cupid bow rosebud mouth, and saw the pride and joy in her parents' eyes. Lance and Lori Lei--our prayers are with you and we thank God for your miracle.

Psalm 127:3 (Amplified Bible)
3Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.


Grumpy Bear said…
People often ask where the miracles are. In this day and age, where technology is performing the most amazing tasks, the birth of a child seems common place. In reality it is one of the greatest gifts we have been given. Think about it, we have the gift of giving life.

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