
"Belinda, I'm holding my baby in my arms,"--her voice over the phone yesterday evening, contained a new depth of tenderness and enough love for a lifetime, this mother of exactly one hour and fifteen minutes. In that instant and those eight words, I heard, "It was worth the wait; worth all of the worries--and I'll love her forevermore."

Little Ava, Claire, Jasmine is one of God's very special miracles. Her conception and birth were against all the odds except God's and no baby will ever be treasured more than she.

As I try to put words to the quality I heard in my friend's voice when she called to tell me her wonderful news, I can only call it deep, unspeakable joy--and I think of the tender words from Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)

"He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

I remember my mother telling me many times about the experience of giving birth. She always said, "Darling, I just kept thinking of the fact that soon I would be holding you in my arms and when I held you, I forgot all about the pain." Again, a reflection--although a faint one--of the deep, deep love God has for us.

Welcome to the world darling Ava.


Anonymous said…
Dear Bel(Q)- What a beautiful analogy of Christ's suffering and ultimate reason for being here on earth- because at the end of it, He would have a most loved and treasured child/father relationship. To know that He considered all the pain I caused Him worth being able to love me and have me is bringing me to tears. How am I worth that? I don't know; I just know I am. Poppy

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