The Pull of the Magnets

John 15:5 (New International Version)
5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Within minutes of last night's blog post going out,about knocking on doors with the gift of the fridge magnets, the first email came back with a message for Brenda, "Please tell Princess Butterfly I will join her in her endeavour..."

And it was from our friend Bonnie--who was having serious surgery at 7.00 a.m. the next day! It was good to hear that she's planning to get better fast.

Then another came from Susan saying, "I'm in," and by the end of today there were several more from friends in the church saying, "I'll go too."

It feels as if God is stirring up our hearts--filling them with passion to reach people in our community with the good news--in a simple way.

Someone shared by email that a person she works with has a fridge magnet with the name of a church on it and it has a message that reads something like,"My name is polly, my number is----I pray for people in our community, if you would like me to pray for you please call me."

That would be one way of making a connection and being sure that someone could actually follow through with our desire to serve our community and express the love of Christ to them.

Tonight at worship practice, Susan, Frances and I were sharing the idea with team members Esther and Lorne, who hadn't heard about it--and it resonated with them too.

I came home and told Brenda--and I had also passed the emails on to her. She looked overwhelmed! "Oh my goodness," she said, "What have I done?"

I said, "Do you think maybe God did it?"

And she said, "Yes, but I wonder if he's thought it through!"

John 12:46 (New International Version)
46I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.


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