A Saturated Sponge

Ephesians 4:1 (New Living Translation
1 Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.

I used to pass the room often, with a guilty glance. I knew he was there, waiting--I could feel his presence, just out of sight around the corner, but I was so busy--and so tired--that I just couldn't stop--and if I did, I would have fallen asleep the moment I entered and sank into the chair.

What was this frantic race that made me feel I couldn't stop to pray--or simply sit at his feet? My busyness was self inflicted--a result of my own choices, and, to be honest--preferences. I preferred to be busy--and I was avoiding God.

Somewhere along the way I chose to listen to his voice calling me to come aside with him before I entered the fray of the day. At the time I knew it was a significant turning point where I stood to lose something precious if I didn't listen. I'm so glad he called one more time--and I've been listening ever since.

Life pulls us in so many directions but God's agenda (and he has one) is the one I want to be engaged in. His agenda is one for which he's uniquely created and fitted me.

The first place to start is with relationship. We nourish our relationship with God just like any other relationship, or it dies.

He truly has something to say about our lives and wants to say it. We need to be still, take time to reflect and be quiet in his presence--hearing his voice requires listening.

Oh to be a saturated sponge that has soaked in his Presence--not dry and brittle, but full of him.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 (New International Version)
24The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.


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