The Pursuit of Happyness

Psalm 50:23 (New International Version)
23 He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me,

On Friday evening two friends and I met to go to the movies. One of us had two free tickets to share and we'd decided to split the cost of the third ticket. Friday night came and a snowstorm hit. I drove slowly and nervously through it and waited for them at the Tim Hortons in nearby Cookstown. After a few minutes their car pulled in and they got out to get into mine. The friend with the tickets left them on the counter top at home as she rushed out, leaving behind her husband serving supper to the children--but undaunted we pressed on. We'd looked forward to this night out and nothing was going to deter us.

The movie we chose to see was entitled, "The Pursuit of Happyness,"--yes, that's "happyness" with a "y." It starred Will Smith and his small son in the movie was played by his real life 8-year-old son, Jayden.

One of my friends found it depressing--she thought there would be more happiness and not so much pursuit--but I loved the movie, which is based on a true story. It is a movie that has the potential to make you better on many levels. I won't spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't yet seen it, but for me, like the effect of a vivid dream, the feelings it stirred have lingered. Mostly it made me very grateful.

I've written here before about a blog written by a young British woman named Clare, where she simply lists three things that have given her pleasure each day. The address is .

This morning, feeling so grateful for every thing, large and small, these are my three things:
  • Waking up in a warm bed, with a soft pillow beneath my head
  • Thinking back 40 years to a visit to Paul's grandparents in the south of England, and his "nan" bringing up a bowl and pitcher of warm water to my room in the morning to wash with, then turning on the shower and being rained on almost miraculously by an abundant supply of wonderful hot water.
  • Coffee--delicious, hot, steaming, rich black coffee.

And this was just in my first hour awake! How about you? What are you grateful for?

Ephesians 5:20 (New International Version)
20always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Brenda B said…
I am thankful for a husband that loves me. For children who are safely tucked in bed. Food for breakfast and YES COFFEE!!! I am thankful for my extended family both biological and spiritual. The list could go on and on. Thanks for reminding me to have a spirit of gratitude.
Marilyn said…
Thanks for pointing our the "three beautiful things" policy. I think I'm going to be more intentional about this.

For a long time I've tried to reflect on something positive that happened during the day - something that was progress on either some prayer front or some project I believe I've been given - just to ward off negative thinking that can creep in and undermine things. I've never taken the time to write things down, though. That's a good idea!

I've noticed that routinely mentioning the positives has a ripple effect on everyone in the house. So whether it's just two of us, or we have house full of people, coming to the close of a day and mentioning something positive sets others to similar thoughts. That's a good thing.
Anonymous said…
I am grateful that my mother-in-law who was diagnosed with lung cancer 8 years ago is still with us and is happy and healthy. At 78 she still lives on her own, does her own housework and cooking and even attends a Ti-Chi class once a week. God is so good. I am grateful for my friends and I have a cute little doggie friend that I am grateful for too. Without her I wouldn't get out for lovely walks in this cold weather.
Anonymous said…
Trying again...

I'm grateful for my car starter on co-o-o-old mornings. And I'm grateful for blogging friends or I might not ever find out half of what's going on their lives. And I'm grateful for next door neighbours that have no boundaries.
Belinda said…
What a great day this has been--it was so much fun--celebrating with friends, on the blog--and also with those who emailed directly, the many things we have to be thankful for.

We have SO much. Thanks to all who shared!
Anonymous said…
I've been reading the comments everyone has sent and it also got me thinking about the three things I am most greatful for were. Taking into consideration that I typically don't think about it until I'm thanking God for something specific but it was a nice change to have it brought to the forefront like this.

1. I'm greatful God has brought and continues to bring people (both family and friends) into my life that love me and that I can love in return.
2. I'm greatful that despite all the that has happened in my life I now have a great relationship with both my parents and the various step parents that have been apart of my life thus far.
3.I would have said coffee too, but since I'm giving up my regular drinking of it and saving it for special occasions I'll say Green Tea and the various flavours I'm discovering!

Belinda thank you for jogging my thoughts into a more positive wavelength.
I am grateful for the taste of cake.

I am grateful for the smell of lavender.

I am grateful for the love of God.

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