It's All in the Light

Psalm 119:105 (New International Version)
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet

and a light for my path.

The winter is different this year--the snow being delayed in Denver. The landscape, normally brilliant--sparkly snow-white by now, displays another kind of beauty. A walk through the forest, feet crunching in the little snow that there is, reveals a carpet of springy russet pine needles, with a layer of coppery leaves strewn randomly around on top of them. Golden maple keys hang from branches as if they are laundry pegged out to dry on a miniature washing line. The mere dusting of snow contrasts with the chestnut, gold, buff and copper of the leaves and the fresh bright green growth of pine needles. The cold, crisp air is invigorating and the wind sings, high in the tree tops, deepening to a sound like a soft drum roll as it picks up speed high above our heads.

My digital camera is with me on my walk in the woods--ready to store the myriad of tiny details that capture my attention and slow me down. Brenda walks on ahead with Molson the golden retriever who frolics in the leaves and snow and does what God made him to do--retrieving--whatever he can find. My walk in the woods is more of a stop-run--stop-run--than a walk.

Recently I passed by some bull rushes at the side of the road while driving to a meeting. They had gone to seed and looked like surreal flags in the early morning light. I wanted to photograph them but the car behind me seemed in a hurry and I had to press on to the meeting anyway. As I looked back in my mirror I knew I'd missed the photo opportunity. The rushes would be there later, but the light would be different. The best time for photographs is early or late in the day when the play of light and shadow add depth and interest. In the bright sun of noon the subject is the same but it looks different.

Life's like that too--any given situation can be seen in more than one light. We even have a choice about the light we see things in. Some of us are by nature prone to see things in a negative light. I tend to see things positively. The fact is though that neither one is ideal. While facts can be seen in different lights, in themselves they are simply facts. I try now to look for the facts and see them as clearly as I can--not in any particular light. I've also learnt that God's view on a situation is the one to seek. It's all in the light--but he who is The Light shines on the path ahead of us.

Revelation 21:23 (New International Version)
23The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.


Leann said…
thanks so much for sharing your walk with was sing like the way you write.I to love to get out in the wilderness and see what the Lord sends my way.He always sends some thing.a robin in spring,and eagel past my window at lest once or twice a week.geese on their way south,butterflys on my window.a fish that waved at Im not waco it did wave.and more then once my friend even seen it.I love your blog keep sharing the word and pics and your walks.God bless you.
Belinda said…
Thanks Leann--that is such an encouragement to me. God bless you.

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