More News from Write! Canada

Tonight's keynote speaker was author and professor of literature, Carolyn Weber, who spoke about the spiritual journey chronicled in her book: Surprised by Oxford; a reference to C.S. Lewis's book, Surprised by Joy.

She read from her book; a beautifully written memoir; and she spoke about the impact it had on her family; as broken and dysfunctional as any of our own.

Marilyn Yocum wrote recently about Every Writer's Dilemma: To Write Privately or Publicly, and I wrote too, in my post entitled, Can't Do It, of my decision to draw a line in writing of some personal family history.

Carolyn spoke of that very thing tonight and I thought that I would share a little of what she said.

She quoted Samuel Coleridge--and I wrote it down quickly so it is just an approximation: "The process of selection is the hardest part of creation." How true that is!

Here are my rough notes on four of Carolyn's "5 Golden Rules for Writing Memoir:" I'm sorry that it is only four--but I only just realized that I missed writing down the last one. This is one keynote that I will probably order the audio CD for:

  1. Pay attention to your life; be intentional about journaling.
  2. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  3. Never write from anger or unresolved issues; writing through my anger or sadness brings me to the other side. No one has to see that draft.
  4. Get several points of view on your final draft: Carolyn says she gets two people who can look at her theology professionally and two or three people who can look at her draft on a personal basis: a friend or believing spouse; and a non believing friend.
Signing off from Guelph. One more glorious day to go. 


Anonymous said…
If we are not to write in anger, we probably shouldn't write through jealousy! :-) Ha ha! Sounds like you are having an awesome time. And yes - I'm a bit jealous. Enjoy the opportunity!
deeps said…
thanks for sharing this one
Marilyn Yocum said…
What a treat to read this this morning! Thank you for bringing it to me. It contributes to my ongoing processing.
Belinda said…
Thanks pals!

Anonymous, you made me laugh!

Marilyn, I was thinking of you so much. I think that you would love Carolyn Weber's book, and she has a new one coming out soon, "Holy is the Day."

Deeps--I don't think I've heard from you before, but thank you for letting me know that you were blessed in some way.

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