A Few More Snippets from Write! Canada Today

Write! Canada finished with more energy than a fireworks display in July. And this in spite of conversations in the lounge until the wee hours of the morning; and Night Owl and Early Bird reading sessions.

Photo by Susan C. Stewart
The final keynote speaker this afternoon, was Toronto scriptwriter, Dennis Hassell. He launched us like rockets for our journeys home, with fire in our bellies and flaming fingers ready to hit our keyboards.

Dennis spoke of the power of story. He likened stories to swallows. Stories go over and under defenses, like a swallow flies over the highest gates of a fortified city. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis was one wonderful example he gave.

We bring people to "life," not through polemics but through parables. "Parables," said Dennis, "are not explicit, they are implicit. You have to puzzle it out."

About our excuses not to write, Dennis quoted Gandalf, the wizard of The Lord of the Rings, who said, "All you have to do is to decide what to do with the time given to you."

There is never enough time to write; but Dennis reminded us that we are not called to "successfulness" but faithfulness. He challenged us to, "Write faithfully and gave us 5 Commandments:

  1. Thou shalt "Get over it." Get over your hurts and disappointments. "Suck it up, soldier."
  2. You are interesting and what interests  you, interests others.
  3. Thou shalt commit.
  4. You shall remember your purpose and keep it holy.
  5. Your first purpose is to grow up and be complete in Christ.
"A thousand years from now our earthly success will mean nothing, but our faithfulness will continue to pay royalties."
“I will take the Ring", he said, "though I do not know the way.” Frodo― J.R.R. TolkienThe Fellowship of the Ring

( If you would like to order copies of the workshops, continuing classes, or keynote sessions, you can get them in part or full through Swordfish Digital AudioI can let you know how to order them if you are interested--just send me a note with contact information.)


Marilyn said…
MORE excellent tips (#2 really hits me, I keep forgetting it) and a great photo. I appreciate your posting. I toyed with the idea of attending, but couldn't make it work with my schedule. Enjoyed what you took the time to post.
Belinda said…
Oh, Marilyn, it would have been WONDERFUL to see you again. I'm so glad something resonated in my scattered notelets. :)
Jane said…
Belinda just a quick note to say enjoy your time away. Pay no mind to the rumbling of my stomach for two Thursdays now.


Belinda said…
Hi Jane, I felt so badly tonight when I got home from the event I was at. There were a couple of people who did not get the memo, and came for dinner. See you next week, when everything should be back to normal! Can you last that long with your rumbling tummy? :)

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