Friendship Sunday at Hillside

This coming Sunday is Friendship Sunday at Hillside Community Church and one of our pastors, Rick Grundy, exercised his creative talents in making these video clips in which he asked some members of our congregation for their thoughts on friendship.

I thought you might enjoy the clips--and Susan gave her permission, since she is in both of them. :) I was at Hannah's baptism the day Rick made the clips, but I would likely have run from the camera had I been there, or not have done as great a job as my church family did! :)

Oh, and if you live in the neighbourhood of Tottenham, come out and join us this Sunday morning. Dress is casual--and there is a BBQ afterwards, with all kinds of delicious salads and desserts provided by the Hillsiders who are gifted in that area. 


Hey, the videos aren't working .. I'd love to see them.
Belinda said…
Hi Dave,
I'm just checking in on my lunchtime from work and they are working here. I wonder why you can't play them. They are good. I should post the questions Rick asked all of the interviewees, beyond the ones on the videos as the complete set will be played on Sunday. I could write answers--I just would get tongue tied on camera. :)
Anonymous said…
Video Unavailable
This video has either been removed from Facebook or is not visible due to privacy settings.

Like Dave I am unable to see the videos. I see two of the message above.
Belinda said…
Hi Anonymous,
I reposted it on Facebook. On both my personal and work laptops the videos work. If you are on FB, send a friend request to Belinda Cater Burston. They are definitely up there and working. :)
Anonymous said…
Not a facebook fan - but no worries. Your words always paint great picures!
Belinda said…
I'm so sorry to not be able to fix the problem Anon. But I'm hoping to make up for it if Susan allows me to post a little bit of memoir that she casually wrote to me in an email. She is one of the best writers I know, and doesn't think she is a one. You'll see, if she lets me. :)

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