
This morning I prepared to leave for Write! Canada, the writers conference in Guelph, which I have attended every year since 2000, with the exception of 2009 (due to a sudden illness that sabotaged my plans.)

Susan hadn't planned on going this year, but on Tuesday evening, was wishing to God that she might be there, serving all the writers there in some way. At the very time she was expressing her heart wish to God, the managing director of The Word Guild, Denise Rumble, connected with me by email to say that their photographer was unable to make it at the last minute--and  she asked me, was Susan Stewart a photographer?

In a whirlwind of phone calls and arrangements made at the speed of sound, the rest is history. Susan is going to the conference too, this year. We are all shouting, "Hurray!"

I go with an expectation of learning; hearing from God and renewing my call and commitment to write. I look forward to the old and new connections that always happen at this conference.

What's new? Well, for the first time ever, I am going with business cards that introduce me as a writer. At the very least this will save me the trouble of hurriedly searching for pen and paper in order to write out my contact information.

But I have a feeling there is is my card imprint:

Belinda Burston
Writer: Blogger; speechwriter; personal experience articles; humour

Whatever He Says
Bearing witness in my small corner of the world


We must wait for the greatest, most profound, most gentle things in life; nothing happens in a rush, but only according to the divine laws of germinating, growing, and becoming.
Deitrich Bonhoeffer 
Guelph Bible Conference Grounds


I teared up a bit when reading your business card being aware, a bit, of your journey as a writer. Never has a business card been more accurate.
Anonymous said…
I do hope you have a profitable and blessed time at the Write! Canada conference. Glad your "partner in crime" Susan can attend as well. Good photos for all of us await! Enjoy!
Marilyn said…
I echo the thoughts expressed by Anonymous and also think your business card is perfect!

Blessings on all attending!
Belinda said…
Dear Wonderful and Encouraging Friends,

I am here at Write! Canada in our room, reading your comments and feeling so rich in having your friendship and blessing; in the biblical sense of the word blessing; a laying on of hands, imparting affirmation and commissioning.

And Dave, the thought that you teared up makes me tear up in my heart. Big hug!

Susan is nearby editing photos and soon I'll be posting signage around the conference grounds and helping our friend Bonnie with registration. It is an exciting day!

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