Love Life

Aha, I thought that title would get your attention. 

We're in our 44th year of married life, so I thought I would share a glimpse of what it is like at our age. 

A warning: You may be disappointed; but not if you are looking for humour.

Last night Paul was looking for sympathy from the friends in our living room because I, "move things around all the time." 

Just for clarification--he's not talking about the furniture; moving the jam in the fridge, counts. :) 

So this morning we had a quick breakfast together. We were running a little late. He commented on the coffee particularly; how nice it was; nice and strong, just how he likes it. 

We finished breakfast and got ready to leave. "Do you want me to pour your second cup into a travel mug?" I asked.

"That would be wonderful," he said.

I filled a silver mug and called out, "It's on the hall table!"

His last words were a grateful, "Thanks love," as I gathered my own travel mug full of steaming coffee, my lunch bag containing my thermos, which I stood up beside the travel mug; my purse; my agenda; and headed out of the house. 

I was grateful that I hadn't driven too far before getting the feeling I'd forgotten my reading glasses. I pulled over and checked inside my purse. They were indeed missing. I turned around and went back for them. I usually carry two pairs in case I lose one somewhere as I can't read without them any more.

I quickly scanned the kitchen for them, found them, and left the house again. Paul was still in his office getting ready to leave.

A short drive later, I was in my office and organizing my desk for the morning's work. I got my travel mug out of the lunch bag and put it on the desk and noticed another mug already there. I touched the top of it and noticed it was hot. My brain tried to make sense of a cup on the desk that I had thought was left from yesterday, but was hot. The sad truth dawned. I had picked up Paul's coffee as well as my own, and, because I am used to carrying masses of "stuff" into work with me, hadn't noticed until now.

And he had so been enjoying that particular pot of coffee.

I called home to apologize, but there was no reply. He had left for the day. And I hoped that he had forgotten all about the coffee. 

No such luck; it was about half an hour later that an email came in that started this exchange:
Hello Belinda, you did it again, you are trying to push me over the edge++++ how? glad you asked, you hid my coffee mug and I could not find it and I know you put it on the hall table for me to take to the office BUT it vanished and I had to buy coffee at Mac Donald's making me a poor disillusioned guy. I hope you feel guilty. 
Dear Poor Disillusioned Guy, 
I am pushing myself over the edge! I arrived at work with TWO coffees. I did feel guilty. I couldn't believe that I had two hot cups of coffee on my desk. I called you at home to say sorry, but you must have left. I am a bit high maintenance--today at least! I  hope my rhubarb pie and the fact that I didn't give away the last piece last night but saved it FOR YOU, will make up for it. Now if only you can find it.
"Disillusioned," but motivated!" :)
He just came in to say goodnight.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too."

"Coffee stealer."

Some people just can't let things go. :)


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the slice of a life filled with true love.
Anonymous said…
Hilarious...real life, real love :)
Brave Raven said…
You both have such wonderful senses of humour. This is how I would have imagined your life together. I felt the years of craftsmanship that have led to this incredibly fun and frustrating moment. We are not far behind.
Belinda said…
Ha ha, every one, thank you for enjoying the morning smile!

Brave Raven, he greeted me this morning with, "Hello Late Riser." I have graduated from "Coffee Stealer" at least! :) It continues...:)

If you are not far behind, you are in a wonderful place. I can see it in the love you have for one another. I love you both.
Susan said…
I see you got the last word! (Too bad for Paul he doesn't have a blog. :))

I love Raven's view of it - "years of craftsmanship". Yep, that's pretty apt!
Belinda said…
Hey Susan, you are right. It is too bad he doesn't have a blog. He does enjoy reading this one though. :)
Marilyn said…
Agree with Susan! Raven's "years of craftsmanship" is a rich description. i laughed, imagining you arriving at work two hot coffees from home.
Belinda said…
Yes, Marilyn, so true. I'm grateful.

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