Weekend Newsflash

By Belinda

After a busy Saturday at the hairdresser, library, and signing up for a fitness membership at our amazing new recreational complex in nearby Bradford, I came home and called Rob for my "Mum Update."

Our friends Chris, Eileen and Nel Rose drove 4 hours from the Lake District to spend an hour with Mum today, so after they first stopped to have a cup of tea with Rob in Alvechurch, he let them visit first, while he picked up his son John in Redditch and got to the hospital just as Mum's first visitors were leaving.

Rob had gone to the room where Mum has been in isolation and found the bed she had been in, stripped, and no sign of Mum. She had been moved into the general ward with other people, which is a great step forward and will make her day so much more interesting as she can see the life going on around her and listen to the conversation and even participate a bit!

John, who had not seen her since last weekend when she was admitted, really saw a big difference and commented on how much better she looked. Her face has filled out again and it looks as though they will be trying Mum sitting up in a chair soon.

While Rob was there a nurse came around with a checklist to complete. It seems to be a new measure by which good standards of care are assured. She had to check off things such as whether the buzzer was in reach of Mum's hand etc. That made Rob feel so good.

Peace reigns in my heart.


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