Heaven and Earth

By Belinda

We sat at the breakfast table this morning, reading today's Daily Light--and I glanced up at the calendar  on our kitchen wall. 

The calendar was my daughter-in-law Sue's special Christmas present to me. At first when I tore off the wrapping paper and saw that it was a calendar I thought, "Oh, that's handy--a lovely calendar." But then I looked closer, and the photos were all my own! She had carefully selected them from my photo blog and Face Book photo albums and added them and all of our family's birthdays to the calendar.

I realized as I looked at the calendar that in all of the busyness of the past week, I had not turned the page over to the month of March. I got up and turned the page with the beautiful close up photo of one of my prize orchid blooms--the ones that drive Sue wild because she just can't grow them :), and I gasped at the next photo--the one that God chose for March. It's a photo I took in November 2010. The sky was dark and stormy, but right in the middle was an opening that looked like the gate to heaven.

Blessing upon blessing. My hands are full. I hope they are spilling over!


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