By Belinda 

The internet connection I'm using has been very intermittent over the last few days, but is working for this minute at least! This photo of Mum and Dad was taken in Holland in 1966. 

 Rob thought Mum looked especially beautiful in it, but of course she was always very beautiful. 

Tonight we looked at a photo of Brenda that happened to be next to the photo I posted a day or two ago, of Mum with Rob and me. Their smile was identical. That made me so happy...Mum's lovely smile and laughter lives on in her. 

There is so much to write but this is not the time. My focus has to be on other things at the moment. Sharing photos is something I can do--at least if the internet connection cooperates!
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I'd love to see this photo but it didn't come through.
Brave Raven said…
I like the admiration in your Dad's eyes as he looks at her.
Belinda said…
Dave, I don't know why, but sometimes the photos vanish. I put it back!

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