I The Lord of Sea and Sky

By Belinda

The past couple of days have been recovery days. The journey back from England to Canada was tiring and the weekend full--and now I am on a three day course away from home. 

I am processing so much....God is good.

But my dear cousin Deborah who lives in Spain, received the copy of Mum's funeral order of service that I sent to all friends and family who could not attend the funeral, and she looked up the song that was played by the organist at the beginning and end of the service, then sent me this You Tube version. It is so lovely, I am sharing it here.

Mum first heard this hymn years ago at Alvechurch Baptist Church. She loved it so much that she wrote out all the words and sent them to me in Canada where I taught it to our congregation in Tottenham, Ontario.

On the weekend after she died, Sunday March 11, when I was already in England, our worship team at Hillside, led the congregation in singing the song in her honour, as she was known and loved there.

I thought while in England of how apt the song was for her because of the many times she crossed the sea and sky to be with those she loved.

So although I have no time to write more this morning. I share this song with love from Mum.



Marilyn said…
Tears here over this, but again good ones. Wonderful video, wonderful song. I say this as a fellow copier-of-lyrics, one who at times also writes them out.

Peace to you. This is holy ground.
Susan said…
Moved to tears - again.

"I am the resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live - and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die..."

So looking forward to (and praying for) the rest of this amazing-grace story...

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