One of the Best

By Belinda

This Sunday in England is Mothering Sunday. The signs are all around: the boxes of chocolates prominently displayed in the local Co-op convenience shop; the cards in the window of a local gift shop--and the Mothering Sunday service planned at St. Laurence church. And we will be celebrating ours, even though she has gone on ahead of us on the journey. We were born to one of the best. Rob and I have been looking through old photos and here we are, brother and sister, with our precious Mum. I just had to share an image of her as we knew her in childhood.

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Love the photos, I know I'm focussing on the wrong thing but what a cute sweater you were wearing, it would look great on Ruby. I hope you find more of these treasures ... and that you still feel 'mothered' on 'mothering sunday'.
Brave Raven said…
What a perfect photo to share in honour of Mothering Sunday. It's clear from her beautiful smile that mothering was her greatest joy. Your eyes have a touch of mystery. It's as if you're in on a secret the rest of us don't know.
Belinda said…
Dear Dave, That jacket was part of a set that probably came from my Tante Corrie or it may have been my cousin Deb's in Holland. She is a little older and I inherited many lovely things from her.
Belinda said…
Dear Brave Raven, It's the introvert gaze. We all have more going on inside than out! YOU know that! :)
Anonymous said…
Thinking of you today. We were going to come and surprize you with Susan. We are sending a huge hug with her. See you in a couple of weeks. Supper is on us.

B and J
Belinda said…
Dear Jane and Barb,
It blows me away that you would even think of doing such a thing, as it has that Susan is coming.

There will have to be another Alvechurch Tour under less intense circumstances! :)

I receive that hug. Thank you!!
Ingrid said…
I remember tante Nellie so well like this. Time stood still for me and I was back in time. Your Mom wearing a red baret and a khaki coloured raincoat. She was beautiful, inward as well as outward.

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