Please Pray

This morning an urgent need for prayer came to us at work, from Dwayne Milley. Dear readers, please join your voices with ours in prayer:

Lucy, our Volunteer Coordinator - her parents live in Kenya. They are from the tribe which is being targeted by violence. So far the violence has not been near them. However, in recent days some of their properties have been burned. They are now at the point where they must stay in hiding, and are worried they might not make it through the weekend.
Lucy's parents are happy that Lucy and her siblings are out of Kenya, some here in Canada and some in South Africa. But that's little comfort for Lucy.
Please pray for Lucy, that God's peace will sustain her. I can't imagine what she's feeling. Please also pray for her parents, that God protects them.


Anonymous said…
Oh, my, gosh, how horrible. My voice will be added with others. I can't imagine her fear and worry ... may God keep her heart calm and her family safe.
Joyful Fox said…
Hi Belinda,

I have been praying on and off all day. Wow!
Belinda said…
Friends, Thank you for praying. If I hear news I will pass it on.

A tragic situation so far away, affecting so many people is so overwhelming that we feel helpless and numb. But when it's your co-worker's parents the anguish becomes so much more intense.

May God watch over Lucy's parents and bring them through this safely, and may the strongholds of violence over Kenya be broken.

Please Lord, turn back the tide of evil and violence in that country.

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