The Canadian Blog Awards

Hey Every one,
Whatever He Says has been nominated for Best Religious Blog in the Canadian Blog Awards by Dave Hingsburger of Chewing the Fat which is also nominated in the Activist blog and Best Blogosphere Citizen categories.

If you would like to vote, go to and click the Vote tab at the top of the page. Next, on your left you will see the instructions on how to vote. You get one vote in each category.

Voting closes for this round on Friday.

Exciting! :) Belinda


Saskboy said…
Closes on Monday, actually :-)
Joyful Fox said…
Oh Belinda, What an honour! Thank You for your diligence and committment, vision, and generosity with whateverhesays.
Amen, joyful fox, I agree. Make sure to pop over and vote. Good luck to whateverhesays ...
Susan said…
You got my vote. And so did Dave. :)

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