
In the fall our family went to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. A fantastic experience for the children and Frank and I too. One of the events we enjoyed there was seeing the SuperDogs go through their paces and races with their owners.
They had a special guest that week.
Dante Camacho a Brazilian Agility Champion and member of the Superdog team was there with one of his dogs and the performance was stunning.
This man and his dog went through a series of moves, sometimes dancing, sometimes demonstrating obedience....but the thing that grabbed the attention of both Frank and myself was the dogs' posture toward Dante. His eyes were constantly fixed on his masters face. Constantly. He was sharp, attentive and obedient. He was riveted, waiting for the next command.
At first I wanted to call them partners, as in the dance, and didn't want to call Dante the owner, but there was no mistaking that each knew their roles extremely well. There was no doubt that Dante was the leader, the owner and that the dog was yielded, submitted, and quick to obey. All his intent was focussed on absolute, immediate follow through on his masters command. Not just compliance, but energetic follow through.
It was truly a sight to behold and you know the story that lies within.

O my Jesus. To be so captured by Your will. To love You so much that my only purpose is to fasten my gaze on Your face, my ear to Your voice with urgent attention so that I may hear and see Your every direction and do Your Word with absolute love and diligence.
The rewards are beyond measure (beyond doggy biscuits and Your hand ruffling the fur around my ears :-) and that's just here on earth. Your presence, Your voice, Your approval. And that's just here...
1John 2:5-6
But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

You can see one of their performances on YouTube called Dante Freestyle.


Belinda said…
"The story that lies within" is a good one. Oh, to be that attentive to our Master's voice!

I love the story of Dante and his dogs too. It must have been a joy to watch the performance.

Thanks for a wonderful story.
Joyful Fox said…

We are His sheep and we recognize His voice. To learn complete submission, obedience and yielding is a journey of being His child.

Thank you for being used by Him in writing this. It blesses...

A joy to hear and obey...

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