Making Room--A Response

Making Room is beautiful.

In this world where we create such busy lives for ourselves; where sometimes the lines cross between what He lays on our plates and what we take on; in this life in North America, in this decade--there's so much at the "all-you-can-eat" buffet. It's hard to make healthy's hard to find those nutritious, healthy's hard to have the self-control to know when to stop.

Just like in many choices...some healthy and wise...some empty of eternal value...feels good but of no merit in His Kingdom. It's hard to make room sometimes when our plates are already full....when we don't know what to let go of...when we're addicted to being "stuffed" and we don't even know that we've lived here so long...Oh Belinda,I pray that you...that I, that others would know how to make room...that there would be room simply because our schedules aren't so full...wearying, keeping us busy, causing us to be short, irritable, or simply "absent" from those we love (whether in body or spirit)...

Oh that we'd never even have to "Make Room"...because He owns the inn; that he has so much of our hearts, our time, our space...that it waits.

This week has been enlightening; my life is too full...I keep eating too much at the buffet...I always have...and Making Room has been the story of my Christian walk...Belinda, my life is so scheduled "full" that I am irritable, cross, edgy, with those he called me to love...those precious little ones that I'm here on this dark corner of the globe to "show the love of Christ" to--when I sit, when I rise, when I eat, and walk along the way--encourage, disciple, love, and show them Christ.

My husband, lover, my one of flesh union,...I ache...for the sin of yesterday--today...

Belinda, I need wisdom to know what to change - academics for the children is full; soccer, piano, violin, bible study, family bible time, scripture memorization, travel time - other "nitty gritty" of my life...laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping, managing this household of you say, "which are glass balls, and which are rubber?" because my life, my too full.

I need His wisdom, His grace, His mercy, His Strength, His Power...I need to do more than Make Room, I've got to move out my things (full schedule) because it's His Inn.

Thanks so much for sharing this devotion, kind friend,
Ellen, a.k.a. Joyful Fox


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