Reality? Realities!

One of the things I've learned over the past months--which I feel have been like an accelerated university course in self-awareness--is that reality is more subjective than I ever imagined.

I read a journal entry from March and suddenly I can see the pride, arrogance and detachment with which I wrote. So sure of my "rightness," I left no room for others, and little room for God--to change my perspective.

If anyone reading this doubts the reality of God and his power to change hearts and lives--think of me. He has changed me radically and deeply.

I know that although there will always be so much more for God and I to work on, I will look back on this period in my life as a pivotal time when I learned some profound lessons.

Matthew 11:25-26 (New International Version)
25 At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

Amy Carmichael writes of verse 26, that the "Yes," is of complete content, "The welcoming "Yes" of acceptance."(September 15th, Edges of His Ways)

She reminds her readers that "Love is planning for us. Love has planned the best that Love could plan."

What a comfort to meditate on the fact that God plans all for our best.

Prayer:Dear Lord, thank you for your love gift. The revealing of hard and disappointing truth about myself was hard to comprehend and receive at the time, but I am grateful and rejoice in it now. "Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure."


Deborah Antonio said…
Hi Belinda,
I too have undergone a transformation. I used to worry all the time and I was a people pleaser. God has worked in my heart to give me the assurance that He is in control and He is the One I am to please.
Belinda said…
I celebrate your transformation with you. What freedom we can find in and through our Lord.
Freedom indeed. I find myself, some days, either good ones or bad ones, needing to feel love that isn't based on accomplishment or based on pity ... but instead based on a profound sense of being known - completely, found wanting - absolutely and loved anyways.
Belinda said…
Dave, you've captured the essence of God's love for us so beautifully.

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