Things I Know

Psalm 131:2 (New International Version)
2 But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.

This morning the sound of a telephone ringing downstairs woke me up. The brightness of the sun shining into the room let me into a secret--the morning was well underway--it was already 8.30!

I had taken the day off to recover from the writers conference I'd been at for three days last week. I hadn't meant to spend so much of it asleep, although maybe I should have, having stayed up both nights away until 1.00 a.m. talking with my friends Bonnie and Susan.

I took my morning coffee out to the small square deck on the north-east side of the house and sat in the shade, reveling in the luxury of unhurried time.

A breeze riffled the leaves of our 15 year old maple tree. One of the small trees--mere twigs in 1992--given away by the government to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Dominion of Canada-- it now towers over 20 feet tall.

I closed my eyes and the sound of the breeze in the tree made me think of a fine lady, taffeta petticoats rustling under a silk dress, as she walked by, tall and elegant. As the wind picked up I heard carriage wheels passing by, just as Heidi in the book named for its main character, heard the carriage wheels down in the street and thought of her home on her beloved mountain heights, with the wind blowing in the trees.

I read some notes in my journal of the weekend where I'd written about the things I know.

I know that I am my Father's beloved daughter.

I know that he has a path for me to follow--a commission for me to fulfill.

I know that I am his bond servant--bound to him by love, I will do whatever he asks of me.

I know that I must listen for his voice alone. Many other voices may call--even good ones--but they may pull me from his path--and that's the only one I want to follow.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am yours. Show me "who" I am in your plan.


Anonymous said…
and I know that you have a gift with description that I envy! Dave
Belinda said…
Dave thank you. I'm learning from the best! :)

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