Sam Creams Pastor Dave

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Anonymous said…
i did not cream the pastor, but man was it ever funny to see him get creamed...
Belinda said…
Ah,then the plot thickens! Okay--so WHO creamed Pastor Dave??? :)
Susan said…
Well, I'm the one who took the photo, so I know who creamed Pastor Dave!

Sam's arms are raised in celebration because Pastor Dave had just been poking and teasing him and someone came along with a piece of cake at just the right moment - at least from Sam's perspective, if not Pastor Dave's!
Anonymous said…
I confess-It was I who creamed the Pastor.But I think the real story here is for the first time captured on film is someone visibly being filled with the Holy Spirit! Sam really is Pentecostal!!!:)Frances
Belinda said…
Instead of a "man of the cloth," we have a "man of the cake."

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