The Pearl that Cannot be Bought

Matthew 13:45-46 (New Living Translation)
45 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. 46 When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it.

Victoria and Tiffany-Amber worked side by side with their grandfather in the garden as he toiled on hands and knees, in the hot sun. He was painstakingly weeding--and they worked away with garden rake and trowel, busy and serious about removing the vestiges of fall and winter.

Bringing beauty to this acre of land on which our house has stood for almost nineteen years, is a labour of love for Paul. Every year he finds a reason to plant a few more trees, extend the flower beds, or create another space in which to sit and enjoy nature.

As I pulled out of the driveway in my car to go shopping they hardly noticed me leaving, but I carried the picture of the threesome in the garden in my heart.

Our home has been such a place of happiness over the years. It has sheltered three generations of our family and had its share of temporary guests and visitors. It's hard to think of ever leaving, or of other people living here. We all feel that way, including our grandchildren who live downstairs.

As they worked in the garden, Victoria said, "Grandad, I want to live here forever."

Paul said, "Well, one day, when you're grown up, you might get married and move away."

But Victoria was resolute, "No, I want to live here forever."

Joking, Paul said, "Well then, you might have to buy it. That will be about $250,000 each."

Little did he know it, but his words were taken very seriously by two little girls. Later on, downstairs, they could be found emptying out their money boxes, and calculating the difference between the $14 they had rustled up, and the $500,000 Paul had quoted them.

I loved the determination and hopefulness with which they tackled this comparitively huge purchase. If they only knew our hearts--that we would give our very lives for our children and grandchildren, let alone a piece of land!

There was a merchant, in a long ago story about the Kingdom of God. The merchant sold everything he had to purchase a priceless pearl that he had discovered. The story is about the fact that nothing compares in value to the Kingdom of God, and the wise will seek after it with all of their hearts.

But today I think of a Father whose heart is to give us that pearl--and who gave everything he had to purchase it for us.

He has already paid the price--a price that we had no hope of paying.

Two little girls with high hopes, in a garden--they gave me a glimpse into his heart.

Psalm 37:3-5 (New Living Translation)
3 Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.

Trust him, and he will help you.


Leann said…
your story reminds me of my daugther and what she gave up.she had a lovely home in the country.a big lovely old victorian farm house.with beauty and charm.a loving hubby and two wonderful little girls.
her hubby worked very hard and was a wonderful man,who would do any thing for her and the girls.
but the devil made her look for some thing she thought she didnt have.she watched dumb fony love storys and read dumb love story books.and one day met a man who knew what to say and do..she gave up every thing to be with this jurk..
and the girl I once knew is gone.she has become someone we do not know.she lies and she is not the person she was.
her girls wonder why their mother left their Dad..they wonder why she lies to them..but it doesnt faze her.
she keeps trying to hang onto some thing that isnt real..
they have broken up 6 or more times.and she blames us cause we will not have anything to do with him.
I said your not divorced from your hubby..and he did nothing I do not need to have anything to do with an affair!!!!

some days it makes me so sad I just want to leave this old world and go be with Jesus.but a little part of me still holds out hoping she will see the turth and return home.
pray for us cause we need it...


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