Being Who We Are

Psalm 139:14 (New International Version)

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

"I glanced to see a brindle dog of an interesting lineage. The dog was running with an odd lope. Then I saw that his back right leg was missing. Gone. His gait was an adaptation for his disability... He glanced back, like something was chasing him, and I swear he smiled. Then he disappeared down an alleyway and was gone... I loved the fact that his 'dog-ness' was not even slightly compromised even though he was missing 25% of his legs. Sure, he'd adapted for the loss physically but psychologically, he was still just a dog. It was beyond cool."
Dave Hingsburger--Chewing the Fat, May 7th 07 blog address:

Frances' voice coming over the phone was full of excitement. "Did you read Dave's blog about the dog?" she asked.

Dave writes a blog on disability issues that I look forward to reading daily, so I knew the story she was referring to, part of which I've included above. It was about an animal who was still a fun loving dog, despite being three legged.

"That's me," she said, "I've realised that my "handicaps" don't change who I am in the Lord--fearfully and wonderfully made--I need to exist in who I am, always." Then she told me how she'd reversed the letters in the adjective Dave had used and said, "As the dog's "dog-ness" wasn't compromised by his handicap, niether is my "God-ness" compromised by mine!"

Acceptance and his identity...precious gifts God gives to us. I am convinced that he loves us both for all that we can be and for who we are--in all of our present humanity and weakness. How these both can be true is a mystery, but it's clear that it is, from God's Word, which tells us that we are "Accepted in the Beloved."

Ephesians 1:6 (New King James Version)

6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.


I was thrilled to read this and know that my blog is not only being read, but also helping people think differently about themselves and others, thanks for telling this story. It made my day.

Belinda said…
Dave, your blog always inspires reflective thought and discussion! I'm so glad this made your day.

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