Fifth Day

Luke 2:52 (New International Version)
52And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Luke 3:22 (New International Version)
22and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

I'm ready to crash at the end of this day--the fifth day of my wonderful at home vacation.

As I got ready for the day while listening to the radio this morning, the announcer commented on what he saw as the "Canadian" response to righting wrongs that come to light. "Canadians are not indifferent," he said, "but it's a kind of obliviousness."

"Hmm," I thought, "that sounds a lot like me in some areas of my life."

It hasn't been that I've been indifferent to areas that needed to be righted, but I truly was oblivious to the fact that they needed as much work as they did. Fortunately I have friends who won't settle for less than a friendship could be.

I spent the morning at the school that two of our grandchildren, Katherine and Stephen attend, Alliston Community Christian School. It was Special Person's Day--a day when grandparents and special family friends can visit and be regaled by the music and singing of choirs from kindergarten to grade 8. It was all wonderful and a memory made to be tucked away and cherished.

The senior band played a variety of pieces from Handel to Fiddler on the roof. Young people on the verge of young adulthood, dressed in black, concentrated intently as they played their instruments. The head of the music department, who was conducting the band, stopped the music when he noticed that the guitarist at the back, a young fellow with a trendy spiked and hi-lighted hairdo, wasn't playing. Apparently his guitar was out of tune. Everything stopped while he tuned the guitar to the piano. "My motto is," said the music teacher, "We tune because we care."

"We tune because we care." Those words resonated with me as I thought about working through issues to a point of understanding with a friend this week. We tuned our hearts because we care. It wasn't easy--but it was so worth it!

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the precious gift of this week. It has been different to what I expected or planned--but you had plans--and they have been so good. Thank you for everything you gave me the energy to do.

Luke 4:22 (New International Version)
22All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. "Isn't this Joseph's son?" they asked.


We tune because we care ... for others ... playing an instrument out of tune is very different than hearing an instrument out of tune. I think that's why others notice when I'm slightly off before I do. So I tune before I lecture, every single time.
Belinda said…
That's such an interesting observation--the difference between playing out of tune and hearing an instrument out of tune...

It's such a struggle to wrestle Self to the ground and "hear" how out of tune I am--when I am.

I was reading more today from the book on difficult conversations. It said to always balance grace and truth at those times--and when in doubt--to swing in the direction of grace. It's hard to hear the truth--and it can be hard to hold onto the truth. At the end of this week I know that I need a lot of work! I'm trusting God to do the work in me--and he will-- as long as I stay willing and open, supple and pliable. I feel as if there's a Dr. Jekyll just waiting to jump out! :)

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