The Prodigal Son on the Big Screen

Today I'm having a little blog holiday because it's my birthday! I thought that instead of writing I would share a video clip from the television program, 100 Huntley Street, about Toronto actor and writer, Jason Hildebrand. On Sunday we watched the Prodigal Son Trilogy in church--it was profoundly moving. God bless Mr. Hildebrand!


Enjoy your blog holiday and try as hard as you can to blow out all those candles ... did you get a fire permit?
Belinda said…
Fire permit???!! I raise my eyebrow! :) Ha ha! One of my friends sent me a card that said that aging is inevitable, but maturity is optional. I'm clinging on to that. :)
Angcat said…
I watched your link Belinda and it sounds good. I loved how Jason said that more excellent Christian movies will be released over the next few years.
I would encourage anyone who's interested in great theatre to watch a short movie online called "Butterfly Circus".

It's stunning, with unlimited messages within.

God bless you as you enter a new age zone.


Love Ang

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