By Belinda

Here at Write! Canada. Early Friday morning, on holy ground. Hushed voices, soft footsteps, the rustle of turning Bible pages and the hum of a refrigerator.

A tank of fresh brewed coffee. Fragrant aroma fills the air. Life blood!

I sit, back turned to people, creating my own space of quiet with God. Life blood more precious even than coffee.

I overhear a cell phone conversation behind me, a mother to her child at home.

"Did Daddy make your lunch last night?" she asks, "Is it in your book bag?"

And then, "Put your homework in there too, okay? Daddy's not used to doing that."

Rapid fire questions continue.

"Are you having breakfast? What are you having, cereal?...Oh..a piece of bread..."

And I smile, imagining a household surviving without this concerned mommy--and a daddy doing his best.

A verse in today's Daily Light shines out for all who seek him here today:
Zechariah 4:10 (New Living Translation)
10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,


Lori said…
I have followed your blog for a while now, and I didn't make the connection when I saw you at the conference! It was a great time, wasn't it?
Belinda said…
Lori, it was, oh, it was! I am full to overflowing with promptings, connections and inspiration. And I heard the sweet, sweet voice of Jesus, all through the days together! (forgive the exclamation marks.:))
Maureen said…
Belinda, I am exhausted but quietly exited after the weekend. It was such a Holy Spirit experience. Praise God for all He is doing!

I was so glad to have met you, and hope to see you again!!!

Blessings, Maureen
Belinda, I think you should teach a class there on description, you are brilliant at capturing a moment.
Belinda said…
Maureen, meeting you was a mutual blessing--yes, we must meet again.

And Dave, oh, Master of the Moment yourself--thank you for the compliment. :)

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