Haircut Day

By Belinda

At the last minute, my hairdresser, Jamie, squeezed me in for a much needed haircut today. The value of a good hairdresser cannot be emphasized enough.

Jamie is a treasure. She does the impossible with my hair and her touch has transformed it from fine, mousey,  impossible to manage, to an actual asset! That is no small feat. Add to that the fact that she is funny, interesting, honest and sweet and you will understand why I am looking forward to sitting in her chair today.

But this post was not meant to be about me. Tomorrow, my dear friend Dave Hingsburger, is holding a disability blog carnival over at his blog, Rolling Around in My Head. I submitted a couple of posts from Whatever He Says, as options for inclusion. I hope you check the carnival out tomorrow,

Yesterday though, he wrote about a hairdresser. And here is a link to that post, which I loved. If you know the value of a good hairdresser, you too, will enjoy and understand why they truly are: H2O


Suz said…
I totally agree! My hairdresser, also names Jamie, is a gem. She makes my hair look fabulous and I get many compliments on it.

Plus it's a fun time of conversation and lauhgs.
Thanks Belinda, you are amongst the guests on disability blogger. Unfortunately it's just one blog each and I selected the first to come in so I wouldn't have to explain my choice! So, you are there and in amongst an amazing group. I was so glad you submitted. There was a lot of submissions. Why don't you and a few others organize a 'faith blog carnival' it would be fun to pop around and visit various blogs.
Belinda said…
A Faith Blog Carnival sounds exciting. First I'll learn how it's done! :)
thanks blinda for the comment I hope you return to my blog soon

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