The View from Praise Mountain

Saturday evening - just before leaving an unscheduled day of work.

Dear praying friends,

I am so grateful for your understanding and faithful prayer support. After working 12 emergency hours today, and leaning into Jesus' victory (which is already won!) , I have managed to stay just shy of the precipice that overlooks the bottomless pit of despair. It has been one of the toughest battles I've ever fought. In the last hour, God has revealed, finally, his plan for tomorrow.

Today I was a good soldier - by his grace alone, trust me! I did end up having to work today but I refused to give up hope that I would be able to go to Dad's birthday celebration tomorrow, and I refused to let go of my joy in the middle of my shipwrecked plans for today. Only, I'm sure, because there was an army of people praying for me, including you.

With a great amount of twisting around of peoples' lives and schedules, God has provided enough staff to cover the day tomorrow in the program where I work. Praise God! I am in awe of his goodness. He kept me today. I was staring into the Slough of Despair, but he kept me from sliding into it. And now I am past the danger point - this time. His victory tastes so sweet that I never ever want to go back to my more familiar negative, defeatist, and grumbling attitude again. In the midst of it all, He has been so good to me, sending many blessings my way and giving some very precious memories of his goodness and unfailing provision. It has been worth the fight.

Praise God. I perceive that some really big giants fell today. There are some left, but when Negativity fell with a thud, the others all seemed to shrink in fear and take a few steps back.

Onward and upward. Through, not around. Praise God!


Belinda said…
Susan you were such a good soldier today, in every sense of the word. God, as only he can, did the impossible, as one after another there were canceled shifts.

I am praising him tonight for covering the shifts, but more than that, I'm praising him for the opportunity for him to prove himself to us, and for you to see that giant topple. Praise the Lord.
Angcat said…
Dear Susan,
I didn't read yesterday's blog until tonight (Saturday), but now my prayer is for you that God will bless you so richly as you enjoy your family tomorrow, that He will make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. He is faithful. Nothing is permitted into our lives unless it crosses His "desk" first and so I know that what you gained from today, can only benefit you more greatly than anything else could have.
He was glorified and I can almost hear Him say..."Well done, good and faithful servant", for today you did serve.
Love Ang
Joyful Fox said…

God is faithful and He is fighting for you.

Praise Him that as He stretches us, and we yield, a crop of righteousness will be yielded. It is His righteousness in our lives that is more precious than gold and silver.

Your joy will be sweeter today as you celebrate your dad's 84th Birthday because the Lord parted the seas for you to pass through.

You were bold, strong, and courageous and in your fear, you trusted the "giants" to Him.

God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or think because of His power in Christ Jesus.
Eph. 3:20

Thanks for sharing your journey so we can rejoice with you.

Blessings and Love,
Arthur said…
A largely unsung bunch of heroes are those Prayer Warriors who help carry our burdens upon occasion, as witnessed by a rather humorous story in the February 2008 editition of Reader's Digest's "As Kids See it":

A mother was driving on a winter's day, when she got stuck in the snow with her 8-year-old daughter and her 4-year-old son in the car.

She asked her daughter to hold the steering wheel without turning it and to put her foot on the gas when she was told to. The mother then got out to push and they were quickly out of the drift.

"Thank you for driving the car so we could get unstuck!" she said to her daughter.

To which her son commented, "Nobody thanks ME, and I was the one praying!" :^)

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