Of Mornings and Marathons

He sits down at the breakfast table with a satisfied air and says, "As of today I'm caught up."

Those of us on The Marathon of Biblical Proportions do not have to ask, "With what?"

We know.

"Well, at least I'm in Joshua," I reply, happy not to be trailing far behind in Deuteronomy anymore.

"Joshua," he says with a smile, "Is a very long book."


He picks up the Daily Light on the Daily Path, which we read together every morning, and he opens it.

"Belinda," he says, shaking his head, "Those people--the leaders and the Judges--the way some of them lived....not that I'm judging.".

For a moment I think that he's reading from the book and that I'm suddenly in it, but no, I soon realize that he's still talking about the Marathon.

We agree that's the thing about the Bible. You can't read it thinking that God was endorsing the things his followers did. Some of them were terrible and it makes you wonder why God stuck around at all. If I were him I would be tempted to consider mankind an experiment that went terribly wrong and start all over again with another creation entirely.

We carry on with our morning reading from the Daily Light and the new Watchman Nee we are enjoying, The Normal Christian Life, and then we pray.

His first words catch me by surprise, "Thank you Lord, for giving me Belinda, and allowing us to enjoy you together."

And I feel as though I want to remember this moment forever.

I'm sharing it for those who struggle now, to give you hope. He has brought us to a place of intimacy and love that I treasure and never take for granted.

And as we pray for each other's day, and the people on our hearts this morning, I think, "Thank you Lord, for giving me Paul, and allowing us to enjoy you together."


Joyful Fox said…
Beautiful Belinda,

This is the one-flesh union and intimacy that we long for and it is encouraging to read about you and Paul

The Sheepcat said…
A beautiful witness, Belinda, to the goodness of marriage. I've never met Paul, but I say amen to your prayers of thanksgiving.
Belinda said…
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your comments. God is good.

You are in my heart and prayers always.
What a beautiful thing to say, tears sprung to my eyes, I know what that would mean to you ... bless both of you.

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