Rearward but Running

Psalm 119:9 (New International Version)
9 How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to your word.

Frances was thrilled. Ever a lover of a good bargain, she shared her delight with me at the brand new bible she had recently found in a thrift store.

"In a sense it should be free," she said, "But on the other hand, it was in such good condition, it should cost the world."

She went on, "I hated paying a quarter for a pristine bible; but as you know, I've given away all my good bibles."

I smile as I think of her exuberance and of how God delights to plant such surprises in our path sometimes, but I also feel a little guilty when I think of my own record recently at reading my copy of that very same book.

In January I joined The Marathon of Biblical Proportions with about 40 or so fellow congregants at our church. No excuses...I'm behind. In fact if this was a real marathon, I would be a dot in the distance behind the pack of runners. Two weeks of wild and crazy days at work with late nights and too late mornings (I am making excuses aren't I?) and I'm on Deuteronomy 24 when I should be on Joshua 11. Ahh, confession really does feel good for the soul. Thank you for listening.

The readings in the Daily Light for March 14 (evening) all speak of the treasure of God's Word. John 6:63b says, "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life."

They are life...One thing I know for sure is this: I need those words of life for my soul begins to shrivel and wither without them.

So, I may be a dot in the distance, but I am at least that, a dot. With God's help the dot will grow bigger and I'll be closer to the rest of the pack. But that's not really what matters. What matters is me, opening up that precious book, turning my face and my heart towards him and waiting for him to speak. And I think he's waiting for me to do that; right now.

Psalm 119:103-104 (New International Version)
103 How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
104 I gain understanding from your precepts;

therefore I hate every wrong path.

Psalm 119:16 (New International Version)
16 I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.


Joyful Fox said…
Hey Belinda,

A fellow marathoner - I'm on Joshua 4 right now (2 readings behind). However most of January was spent with me catching up (at one point I was a week behind) and I kept asking, What kind of marathon is this?
Even my 9 year old daughter was ahead of me and every day she was like, "Mom, this is a long one, are you caught up yet?" or "Mom, if you don't catch up you're going to finish the marathon in another 2 years" very encouraging indeed.

Needles to say, I caught up and the quality of the readings were dismal in Leviticus and I haven't let myself slide that far back again.

You'll catch up. Joshua is a great book. It talks about being bold, strong and courageous. You can do it! Claim that promised land! Slay those time giants in your life.

I'm on the same marathon...who knows I might fall back and pick you seems to be that kind of race.

Thank God our faith is measured and God's love isn't based on this marathon. His love is boundless, no matter where we find ourself in this marathon.

Love to ya and with that reminder...I think I'll go read Joshua.
Susan said…
Hah! I'm WAY behind you. I guess that means I'm winning at losing. :o) But I'm still running! And picking up speed. I could possibly even catch up to you if I were ever to manage to get a whole weekend off... :o)

See you in Esther, or the Psalms, or Lamentations or somewhere!
Anonymous said…
As long as you are still in the marathon, God has a purpose for each runner, listen and He will speak to you even when you are late. Praise God, it would not be the same if we are all running at the same pace. Alleluia, continue the race.

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