Coming Home--Henri Nouwen

By Belinda

 I watched this video clip of one of my favourite authors and mentors, Henri Nouwen. I had book-marked it to watch when I had a moment and tonight was the night I had that moment. It is just the beginning of a 30 minute video, which you can view in its entirety at It made me want to watch the rest and I hope it whets your appetite too. It was so good to hear his rich Dutch-accented voice and his honest heart, challenging the listener towards God.


Marilyn said…
Nouwen's reflection "The Return of the Prodigal Son" kept me company last fall while Wally received treatment. In it the author shares how he connects with each character. Excellent! It prompted several conversations between us as we sat long hours on the chemo floor and on the commute back and forth.

I first heard about Nouwen from the keynote speaker at the first writer's conference I attended in 1998. I can't believe it took me near a dozen years to dive into one of his books. I wish I hadn't waited so long, but maybe I would not have "heard" him as well back then.

I appreciate your bringing him back around again to my attention. In Nouwen, I find a reflective, contemplative theologian who was able to speak simply and clearly. His website contains tremendous resources. Thanks for pointing it out.
Belinda said…
Oh, Marilyn, you are so welcome. Wally is going through chemo again? You will both be in my prayers.

Last night I ordered a copy of Nouwen's last book, Sabbatical Journey--his journal during his last year of life. I've read it before but I just have to read it again and it's a book I will treasure. I remember being stunned at how God was preparing him during those months, for a sudden death that he did not know was coming.

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