By Belinda

Last week at Write! Canada, I had the great joy of singing on the worship team with a group of amazing women and one young man from Peterborough named, John Austin. It turns out that he works for the same organization I do--Christian Horizons.
Here we are, being whipped into shape by our fearless leader--AdeleSimmons. She told us all that she was pleased (relieved) by how good we sounded--none of us had sung together before and she had never heard any of us when we responded to the call for singers, "You might have sucked," she said. :)

John Austin is a gifted song writer and singer. He serenaded us all in the dining room  on Saturday with his song, Ode to Tim Hortons. Here it is being performed, not by John, but by Scott Pietrangelo.



Anonymous said…
Isn't the act of worshipping together so unifying?!?! I'm sure you were blessed!
Belinda said…
It was awesome Anon! I've always loved being in this group of about 200 writers every year, worshiping together (at least with those who are morning people--worship is before breakfast!) This time I had a chance to look down at them from the platform as God flowed through our worship, seeing the joy and participating in it was an amazing experience.

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