Birthday Blessings

By Belinda

I get to celebrate a birthday today, and on the blog of one of my friends, Dave, is the first gift of this day, his post: DB

I am fabulously rich in the dear friends and family God has blessed me with. They grow more precious with every year. How grateful I am for them.

Last night at cell group, Paul was the master of dessert; so justifiably proud of the huge sponge cake with fresh cream frosting and strawberry and cream filling, made to order at one of the Portuguese bakeries in Bradford. He outdid himself in the ordering! :)

Susan sat with me for a "second cup" of decaff, after our other friends had gone home, and we sat and talked and celebrated a long friendship that runs deep and strong.

When I came into the kitchen from bidding Susan goodbye, on the table lay an envelope with the word, "Mom." The words on the card inside made me want to hug my daughter.

Relationships are so unspeakably precious. Pain; tears; forgiveness; love; joy; endless work--worth it. So worth it.

I thank God for the day I was born into this wonderful world of relationship.


Anonymous said…
Everything in this world is around relationships. Our relationship with God and His Son. Our relationship with others. It is good to be thankful - for both.

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