We Have Shekels!

By Belinda

There are two open suitcases on our bedroom floor and we have shekels. I guess that means we really, really are going to the Holy Land!

Four days from now (Sunday) we will be in the air and almost there.

I have read the contents of the large white envelope containing our itinerary and other important information several times and as you can see, I will be wearing a name tag that says "Lyne Burston" for the duration of our vacation. I'm adjusting to the name change. :)

(This is because Paul calls me "Lynne"--short for Belinda--and it lost a letter in the booking process.)

On Saturday I bought a bathing suit because we'll be visiting the Dead Sea. I explained to our four Burston grandchildren who were visiting that day that the water is so salty that you cannot sink. Their eyes grew wide with interest and the littlest one said, "Then you don't need water wings?"

I am feeling a little nervous. This is so out of my comfort zone--introvert me, travelling in a group of 28 people, most of whom I don't know, and yet it is all so exciting.

Today I checked out two of the hotels where we'll be staying, on-line, and found that they have wireless internet so I will do my very best to take readers here along on this journey with us, checking in as often as possible.

Between now and then I may be frantically busy--and just plain frantic, so I may be a little sporadic in posting. I would like to spend some time before going, calming down and just preparing emotionally and spiritually for the impact of this trip, but I have a feeling that I'll be too full of nervous energy to sit still for long. I deal with stress by keeping moving--and it drives Paul crazy because he deals with stress by sitting down and trying to relax.

Stay tuned--and if you have a moment, pray for us. :)


I dare you. I double dare you, to say to Paul, at some point on the trip ... a shekel for your thoughts!
Belinda said…
Ha ha! I will.:) With 28 people on the trip I could make the rounds.

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