Sometimes a Picture Says More than Words

 By Belinda

After leaving Scythopolis we travelled, (or schlepped,)  across the Judean desert to a place called Genesis Land  where we had an appointment with some camels.

We were greeted by Eliezer, Abraham's servant, and then Abraham himself, who was the epitomy of hospitality and welcomed us with tea and dried apricots, dates

This facial expression shows the mood that the camels were in. They had attitude!

Imagine getting on a camel and being on it as it raises itself to its feet. It is not for the faint of heart!

Vita will probably kill me for posting this photo, but it's easier to ask forgiveness...her facial expression was priceless! :)

Disembarking from a camel is even scarier than when it gets up from the ground!

And there is no elegant way to get off.


Marilyn Yocum said…
Loving this trip!
Angcat said…
I'm sure Vita will forgive you for the picture when she sees the first, oh so elegant one of you on the camel with Paul behind.


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