Early Eulogy :)

Fridays with Susan (on Saturday this week).  

Once upon a time, many years ago, we lived in Beeton.  Our lives were full of princesses.  We have five daughters, after all.  At that time, though, there were still only four, but I digress.  That Jorie came along years later, with three boys in between and when we had moved on to the house we're in now, has nothing to do with the story... (though she had her share of daisy chains too).

One of our daughters, Christy (# 2) has a birthday in June.  And so does her lifelong friend, Jenn.  They've been friends since kindergarten, and so have their moms.

In June, birthday month, the daisies are in bloom.  Living in a semi-rural environment, there was no shortage around our house.  The girls would bring me handfuls of them picked from the un-mowed road allowance that ran by our house.  Daisy stems are long and thin and quite strong.  Perfect for braiding into chains.

One afternoon I remember sitting on the front porch watching the kids at play around me.  Daisies started coming my way in little fists and I had collected quite a bouquet.  Somewhere in the recesses of my mind was the phrase "daisy chains".  I'm sure it was from a book somewhere - or books.  I  used to love those Victorian age novels that were filled with virtuous young heroines who seemed to spend their young lives making daisy chains and having their characters built.

Anyway, I figured it couldn't be that hard to make something of all these daisies and I began to braid them together, adding in one daisy after another until there was a long enough chain to circle it into a crown.  I soon ran out of daisies, and sent the girls on a mission in search of more.  And more, and more.  They went further and further afield, running back periodically to add their contributions to the daisy crown project.  I'm not sure how many I made that day, but there was one for each little princess - and each of their friends.

On Facebook the other day, I noticed an old photograph on Jenn's account, along with a memory significant enough in her mind to share with the world.  The world of Facebook, that is.

Jenn added this comment underneath the photo: "My eighth birthday, with Mark and Great Grandma Deans...and a really cool daisy-chain crown, made for me by "Auntie Sue" Stewart!.."

Further down is a comment by my daughter Christy:  "My mom was the best at daisy chains."

Of course I couldn't resist wading in:  "I actually remember making that chain of daisies for your birthday."

To which Jenn responded:  "Do you really?..   ...I remember because I felt like a princess".

I probably put off making dinner, or cleaning the toilet or something on those early summer afternoons and knowing me, probably feeling guilty too - for making daisy chain crowns instead doing "what godly women are supposed to do".  It's funny though.  I can't remember if dinner was actually late on Jenn's birthday back in 1984. Or if the toilet got cleaned, or the laundry done.  But I'm thinking now that I made a very, very good investment of my time.  

Because I kind of like being remembered as "the one who made the daisy chains that made me feel like a princess..."


Lizzie said…
What a sweet post. We never know how the little things make such a big impact on our little ones. How fun!
Belinda said…
That sums you up completely. You will be remembered for the fact that you know what choices to make--the ones that are of eternal value. It isn't easy making those kinds of choices. I am prone to be more "diligent" at the other kinds of choices and sometimes look better. But you are the better person in the things that truly matter.
When deciding what to do, we often ask ourselves - would it make a good story - and if the answer is yes then our decision is made. This means we've done some crazy things but it also means that we've a great bunch of stories to tell. You do too. Daisy chains are now part of the 'story of Sue' ... you're right, you made the right decision.
Susan said…
Thanks Lizzie. I love your blog... You're so "real".

Belinda, there are definite advantages and disadvantages to both kinds of approaches to life. I personally think you're the better person -in the things that truly matter and in the things that don't. And I'm pretty sure the rest of the world would agree! :)

Dave, I really like the idea of using "story potential" as a criteria for making decisions... Very cool.
Belinda said…
Susan, I'm not having you having the last word with me being the better person. It just isn't true. What I meant to say in my comment was that while I know your choices sometimes have dire consequences for you such as panic attacks when someone comes to visit and you feel your house is a mess, I truly admire the way you value people and make sure they know it by your actions. I think I value people too, but I don't show it so well, and I don't think people always end up feeling it. But it's not a contest in inadequacy. God made us both, so we'd have to take it up with him!:) I can learn from you--that's all.
Belinda, 'a contest of inadequacy' is a wonderful phrase. There's a blog in those words. Who's going to write it!??

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