
Paula Walker is one of our little crowd of cherished Whatever He Says readers. She wrote to tell me of her "What if" moment this week and graciously gave permission to share it here. It is a wonderful example of stepping onto the stone God pointed out, and asking, "What if I just embraced this moment?"

By Paula

My 'what if' moment, today, happened when at 9:15 a.m. my dear son invited himself, and four others for brunch at 9:30 - the four included my 'now away at college' grandson and a young teacher visiting here from Provence, France.

I flirted with saying "I had my breakfast at the proper time at 6:30 am and defintely am not ready for brunch" but fortunately said nothing out loud ( a miracle for me !)

Instead, quickly weighing the opportunity I was being given to share time with people I love dearly, I decided all other responsibilities, some of them rather pressing, would be dealt with later in the day. I managed, with some help, to pull together a pretty decent meal of fruit salad, cheesy scrambled eggs, chewy montreal bagels with cream cheese and even made some banana muffins to go with our thick, rich, coffee. We talked and ate for two hours.

I learned wonderful things about my grandson's new apartment in downtown Toronto ( like he has enough room for a grandma to stay overnight!)and I was graciously offered a house to stay in whenever I can get to Provence ...... but most importantly, I was able to share laughter, joy and the warm blessings of family and friends around our 'tribal gathering place' - the dining room table - on a rainy, Saturday morning.

As I returned to the kitchen from waving goodbye to start my clean-up, I listened absolutely awestruck as the radio (96.3 FM) played Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. It has been our 'family song' for decades, always played at way too many decibels by my husband to waken us on Christmas morning, and on sleepy Sunday mornings, and every holiday morning just for starters - get my drift ??

And here it was at noon, on an early May Saturday, on a morning radio show. Coincidence ?

I think not ! It was a benediction.


Susan said…
Delightful! I can "see" that little gathering in Paula's lovely home... May we all make more decisions just like that one! (And may we all be offered free accommodations in Provence!)
Belinda said…
Paula, I too, say "Hallelujah!" at the fact that you chose to see the gift before you and enjoy it.
Marilyn said…
I'm coming to this post a few days late, but am delighted to read a "what if" account that ended on such a great note!

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